My new series of artwork will be small scale maquette models of exhibit hall booths at comic con and the sexy girls who are booth babes and the real reason they paid for and built the booth and exhibit hall space to visit in the first place! Flat 2-D design that is 3-D
This new artwork will be made in the next few months and hopefully completed before comic con san diego 2013 so I can exhibit it into the art show exhibit!
If one of my favorite dream girl booth babe bikini models eye candy or nice piece of ass sex fantasy soon to be one day trophy wives liked this artwork they would be welcome to get one them for free. I would not charge them in return for letting me do a short video interview or short podcast with them as a guest I interview. The interview would be clothed of course and not involve nudity or humiliation or shameful tasks or topics.
If one of my favorite dream girl booth babe bikini models eye candy or nice piece of ass sex fantasy soon to be one day trophy wives liked this artwork they would be welcome to get one them for free. I would not charge them in return for letting me do a short video interview or short podcast with them as a guest I interview. The interview would be clothed of course and not involve nudity or humiliation or shameful tasks or topics.